afflatus solace

Gear mashup for male midlander-based and male highlander bodies! Named after my favorite healer movement skill <3
Combines the Healer’s Robe (WHM ARR AF gear), Frontier dress, and the Loyal Housemaid’s Wristdress, all based around the vanilla body. Metadata for necklace, gorget, and bracelet disabled.

Only the dress is dyeable! You can edit the jacket’s colorset to make it dyeable by editing Row 10 of Material B.

Known issues:
– NOT compatible with mid and long gloves
– Some short gloves will show a gap around the wrist
– Slight chest clipping around the male au’ra chest (behind the ribbon)

Please let me know if you have any issues via my Twitter or Discord (nocturnal sect 🌙#6743) and I’ll do my best to address them!

Imgur album with larger previews

Terms of Use:
♥ Please don’t reupload anywhere!
♥ Upscales and porting to other races & genders OK! If releasing to public, just link back to the mod’s Glamour Dresser.
♥ Please do not port to the following bodies: Eve, Otopop
♥ Personal/private edits ok!
♥ Please don’t use as a base for commissions!

M!Viera face mod is L’Inconnu by Ling (Glamour Dresser)
Eyes by Vermillion (no longer publicly available)
Pose (Confidence) by Kiwi


dia ♡

respect stillness. xoxo

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