ordained motion


A little something to celebrate clearing TEA and finishing the totem farm! Color scheme inspired by my favorite weapons and raid!

Replaces Far Eastern Maiden’s Tunic. The light gold accents turn into a darker gold shade when dyed!

Long Gloves clip at the top of the sleeves. Most short and medium gloves should be fine. There may be clipping with extreme poses.

Necklace compatible!

Feel free to let me know if there’s any issues I missed through discord (@nocturnalsect)! :)

!! imgur previews !! (thumbnail pic is dyed jet black, everything else in previews except for the au ra preview is undyed)

Terms of Use:
♥ Please don’t reupload anywhere!
♥ Upscales, recreations, and porting to other races & genders OK! If releasing to public, just link back to the mod.
♥ Please do not port to the following bodies: Eve, Otopop
♥ Personal/private edits ok!
♥ Please don’t use as a base or use any parts of my mods for paywalled mods! Private commissions/edits for personal use OK.

WCIF? for Preview Images


dia ♡

respect stillness. xoxo

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