neo-commander’s coat

vanilla mashup for midlander-based mascs! an asymmetrical coat that combines the field commander’s coat, appointed jacket, and the neo-ishgardian fending top.
another experimental mod so expect some funkiness around the armored arm’s area :’)

replaces field commander’s coat – UNDYABLE (but can be dyed via penumbra’s colorset editor)

feel free to let me know on discord (@nocturnalsect) if i missed other issues!

known issues:
– no glove compatibility. some shortgloves that extend past the wrist will clip through the sleeves.
– some texture issues around the back armpit area due to gap filling.
– some gaps and clipping with extreme posing.

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Terms of Use:
♥ Please don’t reupload anywhere!
♥ Upscales, recreations, and porting to other races & genders OK! If releasing to public, just link back to the mod.
♥ Please do not port to the following bodies: Eve, Otopop
♥ Personal/private edits ok!
♥ Please don’t use as a base or use any parts of my mods for paywalled mods! If it’s going to be for a private commission, it’s OK

♥ Reshade (Clear Bloom A) by glace
Outlaw Hair (male viera) by clef
Kajal Makeup by nilan

dia ♡

respect stillness. xoxo

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