The Twins’ Book

Back again with another item converter port! This time, I bring you: the twins’ book. This is the book that they used in ARR and Heavensward, before Alisaie started using a sword when she became a Red Mage! I’ve recently made an Alisaie alt myself, and wanted it for her Scholar and Summoner for when I got around to messing with them.

Like with my Exarch’s staff one, this has no drawing or stowing sounds when using the keybind to draw and stow your weapon. I’m unsure if it’s because maybe their books don’t have the sounds or what, but again if you can fix it and know how to do it: feel free to do so!

This replaces the (Augmented) Scaevan Codex and Grimoire, as well as the Saigaskin Codex and Grimoire without breaking any of those models. They looked, to me, to be the closest to their books in vanilla! If you want to move them off those books, though, feel free. I’ve dyed the vanilla books to be either Snow White or Pure White myself and they look rather good and match well, too!
– The books themselves are undyeable.


Do not use this for NSFW of any kind.
If you use it in a GPose, feel free to tag me on Twitter at exarchiccatboy.

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