Alisaie’s Conjured Sword

So, I wanted Alisaie’s conjured sword, before she gets her rapier from Urianger in Stormblood, for my alt of her. As such, I found what the set numbers were through Anam and then item converted it in TT.

Affects the Padjali Blade, PLD Main Hand, and ONLY the Padjali Rapier main hand for RDM. The offhand for RDM will still be the red glowing Padjali rapier offhand, I fix this by using Glamourer to set the offhand to “Nothing,” which will not affect how you cast and do RDM animations and you’ll only have the main hand sword.

Like my last two item converts through TT, for some reason the draw and stow sounds do not work. If you know how to fix this, feel free to do so as I personally do not.

This is presented as an advanced modpack in .ttmp2 format. You can choose to install both PLD and RDM or one or the other, and they have option toggles in Penumbra for which one you want active. I also think I set it up properly to affect all identical versions without breaking any of them, but if any identical models break I apologize.

Have fun!

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