Take notes – Idle, Sit & Emote port


Changes idle3. sit on chair 4 and/or /wringhands to taking notes animation port with feather and notepad.
Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eh904t4SdzA

♥ looped standing animation on idle3 and /wringhands (port)
♥ sitting animation on sit on chair 4 (edited port)

Feather and notepad should be visible in any circumstances (maybe not when you redraw self while already sitting), please let me know if you encounter any problems ♥

= ♥ =
This one was requested maaany times, and every time I had to say no, cause I had no idea how to use two objects in the animation. And I finally figured it out! Took me long enough, I know, and they’re not perfect, cause they’re VFX, they don’t react to light as good as I’d want them to… Maybe there is a fix, I hope so.
Anyway, I’m slowly trying to update my other mods to use VFX instead of objects, so we won’t have any more ‘dead fish’ problems… But we’ll see how it goes. Some I might leave like they are, cause the quality of the object is like 10x better.

Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/yllisne


Hi! I'm Yllisne and I make animation mods, mostly idles, so you can afk and still look cute/witchy/awesome 💗. And ofc for my fellow roleplayers! (if you see a bunch of mods uploaded months ago, it means my adhd won this battle) ♥ Commissions info here: https://yllisne.carrd.co/#commissions ♥ Contact me on discord! @yllisne Permissions: ♥ ports: please do not reupload as it is, but feel free to edit/use as a base if you tag me as a contributor ♥ ♥ custom animations: please ask me before doing anything with my custom animations, private edits are okay.

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