Archon’s Breakfast – eating bread idle & sit

Changes idle cpose4 and chair sit cpose2 to edited vanilla animation of eating bread.

Animation based on vanilla port, but edited both for sitting and idle.

Known issues:
♥ on some races, the bread jumps for one frame. It’s a left-hand problem, and I am not sure about the best way to fix it.

= ♥ =
Hi! So, this is one of the in game animation that was haunting me since my first commission, because I didn’t know how to port it. Originally was made with reading a book, but that part was a bit problematic, so I edited it out. The tables were just all on different levels and I didn’t have a good idea how to solve it.
Also, making a sit out of idle is so much easier than the other way around. It was hard to find a good pose for the idle, but I went with this like shy student one finally. My other tries looked like a really old man with hips problems or like too attractive for just eating bread. And shy student seems on theme.

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Hi! I'm Yllisne and I make animation mods, mostly idles, so you can afk and still look cute/witchy/awesome 💗. And ofc for my fellow roleplayers! (if you see a bunch of mods uploaded months ago, it means my adhd won this battle) ♥ Commissions info here: ♥ Contact me on discord! @yllisne Permissions: ♥ ports: please do not reupload as it is, but feel free to edit/use as a base if you tag me as a contributor ♥ ♥ custom animations: please ask me before doing anything with my custom animations, private edits are okay.

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