Sheer Season I – TBSE-Q

Refit of Westlaketea’s Sheer Season I to TBSE-Q, with the original options minus the bonus leash prop.

For convenience and smaller mod size, i’ve put all of the options on a single shirt instead of multiple like in the original mod : the Anemos Jacket.

There will be clipping around the elbows/shoulders in extreme poses, some on necks for Highlanders, and some tiny specs of it depending on your race, sorry about that.

Midlander-based and Highlanders.


Credit to :

– Westlaketea, for the original mod :

– Qadan, for TBSE-Q :


For the metadata tinkerers, hide or show any of the following depending on what you want :

– Bracelets > Body Variant A

– Collar > Body Variant B

– Belt > Body Variant C


Professional Dumbass

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