Burabura Chochin Poseable Tongue


Tongue from the Mount Rokkon mount (Burabura Chochin), made into a poseable tongue. On Calamari Minion.

Tongue color options : Classic Red, Blue, Black, Green and Purple
Piercings options : None, Barbell, Spiked, Barbell + Venom
Piercing colors : Steel, Gold, Black

If you wish to mix and match the piercings, they’re on Monster Variant A, B and C respectively (go poke the metadata). Dyeability through MAT C, Row 16.
Tongue is colorable and glowy-able to an extent through colorsets aswell (MAT B, Rows 9 & 10), but try to pick a color option close to what you want : a diffuse texture prevents it from being fully dyeable.


Professional Dumbass

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