Predator Eyes (AL compatible)

When in the woods don’t be the prey! Vibrant slit eyes? Sure. Unleash your inner beast, get hunting, get vicious (esp in your screenshots). A pretty little eye, simple in it’s primal nature. Show the beasties who the real predator is.

Download contains zip files with multi .pngs for nonglowing/glowing eyes. There are two varying glow options. If you find the glow isn’t strong enough you can tweak the eye color in glamourer’s palette features/advanced customization.

To install in Penumbra, follow the Loose Files guide ( and apply to your eye multi of choice.

Permissions General rules as always! Show me your screenshots on twitter

Private or public edits released for free = ✅ with credit

Paid edits/inclusion in paid mods (including paywalled mods that will eventually become free) = ❌

Do NOT use/edit for hateful content or NSFW involving minors.


You know that person who doodles too much? It's me. I'm that person.

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