Feral Eyes (AL compatible eyes)


Hand drawn in procreate/multi produced with Gimp

Feeling a little feral today? I was. And sometimes you need to just go a bit wild right? Well, show your wild side, I’m there for it. And if your eyes develop scales–well that can only be a good thing—right??? They were supposed to be spots but I’m not mad about it!!! Have fun and go wild!

Download contains zip files with multi .pngs for nonglowing/glowing eyes [Comes with 3 multis and 3 glowy multis.]

If you find the glow isn’t strong enough you can tweak the eye color in glamourer’s palette features/advanced customization.

To install in Penumbra, follow the Loose Files guide (reniguide.carrd.co/#loosefiles) and apply to your eye multi of choice.

General rules as always!

You can show me your screenshots on twitter (cuz I finally got it working)! @dawn_faraway
Private or public edits released for free = ✅ with credit
Paid edits/inclusion in paid mods (including paywalled mods that will eventually become free) = ❌
Do NOT use/edit for hateful content or NSFW involving minors.


You know that person who doodles too much? It's me. I'm that person.

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