Diadochos Bottoms of Scouting/Striking | Bibo+ Medium


my first attempt at a port for my bestie nano (: big thank you to them for commissioning this from me for emergency funds ❤

also credits to bizu, illy, and tsar (and rest of the team) for the bibo+ body!

as the name says, it is a port of the diadochos bottoms of scouting & striking to bibo+ medium. i’m still pretty new to working with clothing and vanilla items (as backwards as that is), so it’s probably not perfect.

that being said, if you find any clipping or other issues please feel free to let me know and i will get to it as soon as i can!

✕ terms of use:

  • do not claim any of this work as your own.
  • do not resell any part of my work.


hi, my name is jojo. i am currently going to school for god knows what, but i like to draw and make 3D things in my free time! if you need to get in contact with me my twitter is @existench_ and my discord is peepee and poopoo#0203 !

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