devil’s food cake – a gear mashup

My first ever gear mashup – please be nice to me, I’m still learning.

It’s a mashup between the calfskin rider’s jacket and the coronal summer halter for all tall females. The bikini top can be dyed through colorsets, the jacket is regularly dyeable ingame.

There might be some tiny gaps if you look at the chest area from extreme angles which I was unable to fix – sorry. Otherwise it should be fine with most types of posing.

Permissions: Private edits are all fine, while it is just a vanilla edit, please do not reupload it anywhere or make public edits to it. Ports to other races are fine, as long as you please tag me in it. Otherwise if anyone uses it, please tag me in your pictures, I’d love to see it!

If there are any major issues or questions, please do not hesitate to message me on Twitter or Instagram! (@peachymiiktea on both of them)

If you enjoy my work feel free to leave me a ko-fi at but please never feel pressured to do so. Stay hydrated! ♡

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