Almaden’s Don’t Be Afraid [Bimbo & Uranus]

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This is a Bimbo and Uranus upscale of Almaden’s Don’t Be Afraid. It comes in all Bimbo chest sizes as well as Uranus.

This upscale contains the 3D files only so the original can be found here:

C+ and extreme posing and modded animations/idles may make this mod clip.
If using C+ the decal may squish so you will have to pose your boobs.

Items affected: Extreme Survival Shirt


With thanks to:

Almaden for the original mod

Illy, Bizu & Tsar for the Bibo textures

Rox for Bimbo

Key for Uranus Redeux

Maka and Khona for modelling with me

Princess for being the READ ME muse


Please note Almaden’s ToS comes before my own.
Just don’t claim my upscale as your own work.


Now go remind them that you wanna ride them~


Hi I'm The Snow Kitsune and I am a pose maker, outfit upscaler and I have a few makeups and tattoos.

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