❈ RHIANNON《 Afterglow Studios Tattoo 》



▪︎ A little tribute to Fleetwood Mac (whose song I played on loop while designing this)
▪︎ There are two versions included: (i) Original ; (ii) Taken by the Sky [with black gradients on the limbs]
▪︎ I didn’t make a ttmp for this, so please manually upload the textures yourself. This works for Bibo+ (Mat Bibo), Gen 3 (Mat B) and Gen 2 / Vanilla (Mat A) bodies.

▪︎ You will need this body mod:

▪︎ Works on all Midlander based bodies. Scaleless Au Ra only, but feel free to attach your own scales (Xaela uses Midlander textures, Raen has its own unique texture).

▪︎ Editing for private use is fine, but please do not re-upload as either a free or a paid mod.


Tzar, Illy, Bizu – Bibo+
Minou – Blackout Tattoo Base


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