❈ EMPYREUM《 Afterglow Studios Preset Collection 》


❈ EMPYREUM Collection ❈


This is a collection inspired by the snow-dusted beauty of the Empyreum. There are 5 aesthetic presets, and 1 aesthetic gaming preset in this collection.

This collection comprises of:
❀ Empyreum 「 the original preset; desaturated colors with a pop of pink for blushy cheeks and rosy lips.」
❀ Empyreum Stone 「 a moody variation with slightly darker tones 」
❀ Empyreum Veil 「 soft focus, like you’re seeing the snow through a veil 」
❀ Empyreum Cold 「 a brighter variation with cooler undertones」
❀ Empyreum Chill 「 a brighter variation with warmer undertones」
❀ Empyreum Gameplay「 aesthetic gameplay filter with a toggle-able background bokeh effect if you turn ADOF on.」

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✦ Best Suited for: Day time shots in well-lit areas
✦ Created in: Empyreum, Ishgard

✦ Please add the included jpg files into your Gshade Textures folder (Do not change the file name).
✦ The presets will still work even without the added texture. To turn them off, uncheck the boxes next to “Stage Depth” and / or “Layer”.

If you use these, please use the hashtag 『#afterglowed』 so I can admire your gorgeous shots.

Discord Server: bit.ly/afterglowstudios
Join for more presets and / or support

Site: afterglowed.com
View higher resolution pictures here

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