{ND} Old School


A pose dedicated to your pretentious friend who insists the best type of wine has to be red regardless of what they are eating. Whether in bustling afternoons in Eulmore or quiet evenings in Ishgard.

Needs just the wine cup when posing, naturally. It will require adjustments in position in Ana as well! 

Pose for Anamnesis, will probably require some tweaking for other races and definitely heights.

Base of pose is made with max height male Miqos. Will need adjustments depending on what surface the characters are standing on.

Please do not claim this as your own, as it goes without saying.


Do feel free to tag me if you use it, I’d love to see other people’s interpretation of it! [Twitter: FfxivNem, feel free to tag as #nempoise]


I'm just a catboy waiting for bun season.

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