My Girlfriend


💬 Made with Max height characters.
💬 Tested on vanilla Miqo’te & Hyur. Should work on other races.
💬 DM me if you want me to fix anything/make it other race compatible.
💬 Tag me on Instagram! I love to see what pictures you take with my poses.
💬 Any problems or issues please dm me via discord.

✅ You may edit it for personal use ONLY.
✅ You may make it CM tool compatible for private use/friends just do not re-upload as your own.
⛔ Do not edit it and re-upload
⛔ Do not use my work as a base
⛔ Do not take credit for my work


Hello, my name is Juvei. I am a pose maker & photographer in my spare time. I love experimenting with different styles and couple poses are my speciality. I hope you enjoy my content and please feel free to reach out to me on Instagram if you have any questions.

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