Eyes On You 2.0


A solo sitting pose based on a reference picture. This comes with files for min-height Miqote, Middie(Hyur), Au Ra, and Viera. Other races will need to adjust this pose.

Make sure you /sit before going into gpose so it is easier to adjust your character position. Arms & hands may clip with certain hair. This pose is meant to be on ledges or table-like seating so adjust accordingly.

You may edit this pose for personal use, but do not repost it as your own!
(This is an anamnesis pose)

Feel free to use the hashtag #zippyposes on Instagram so that I can see your photos!

If you would like to see more poses from me or other creators, click the link below to join our discord!
Foxhole Discord

Download link: Eyes On You 2.0


Hello! I’m a semi-hardcore FFXIV player. I like to gpose and make poses! Feel free to use my hashtag #zippyposes on Insta ♥

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