Chloe – Model

Name: Chloe – Model
Affects: Anamnesis, CMTool
Races: midlander highlander miqote au_ra elezen roegadyn lalafell viera
Gender*: Female

Contributors: Pose tested and fixed! Thank you to the pose testers who gave their opinions on what needed to be fixed! You can find all the pose tester images on my Ko-Fi or as extra exampled on TGD!

Comments: An adorable model pose to give a sense of free forming posing! There might be adjustments needed for clothing and hair (Clipping might occur). If you have any major issues, please join my server and let me know so I can hot fix!

– Female only
– Races: Hyur, Miqo’te, Au Ra, Viera, Roe, Elezen, lala
– Both file versions (CMTools and Anamnesis)

If you’re interested in tagging me to see your photo’s on social media, please use #Raphyposes ! I also have a pose suggestion section within my server where each week, I’ll include several poses from the suggested channel to mix in some diverse choices c:

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