[C] Sakura Days


A pose pack featuring Tifa! It has two differnet poses, one with a parasol, and one without that has the hand near the ear. It has only been tested on Au Ra but should work with minor adjustments for midlander type races.

Hair: Space Buns by Vermillion | Outfit: Tight&Firm Femme Fatale Collection
by TitanFirm | Parasol: Sakura by Solona | Make-up: Private

[Feel free to edit my pose!]
[Personal edits are a-okay as long as they stay personal!]
[Please do not repost my work edited or unedited!]
[Want me to see you use my poses? Please use #cuddlewayposes and #posesofetherealskies !]
[When I become more well versed in pose making, this may be updated!]


Pose Maker ♡

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