✦LM- Fantasia


Ok this is .. a lot..

Fitted on Bibo+ Large Legs/booty tights will clip with all other leg options

Fitted on bibo+ medium perky boobs

Due to TOS panties preview is only viewable in my discord.

i wrote down all rows so you can adjust stuff yourself make it dyeable or not or change the metal colour enjoy >.<

Lady Suikan has two different lace option

dress mat_b

5-6 dress fabric

9-10 transparent

dress belts and all metal on the dress  mat_c

3-4 metal

8-9 leather

dress diamonds mat_d

row 16 keeping the specular colour always “lighter” than the diffuse colour to keep the diamond effect.

Black Summer Tanga (make sure nothing is active on this or glamourer will equip only the trunks

panties  with belts

row 9-10 metal

row 14-15 panties

Endless Summer Sandals 3 different versions

shoes, rows with tights/without and socks the same

mat_b tights and metal

row 3-4 tights/socks

row 9-10 metal

row11-12 leather/fabric on tights

mat_c  shoes only

row 16

mat_d knife

row 16


as always if you have or see any problems don’t hesitate to reach out in my discord  discord.gg/3VnXPDqrEX♥

you can find all my mods also as a single purchase on my ko-fi ♥


General Permissions do’s and don’t!

• Do not use my work in any private, paid commissions, Patreon, Ko-fi shop or any kind of websites and Discords.
• Personal edits are allowed.
• For upscales/switches/redesign YOU NEED to ask me first if you want to make it public!

Tag me on Twitter #LMmods ♥ Insta #modsbylm ♥

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