XTRA FLUFF – viera m ear 1


(originally posted 1/31/2024 on XMA)

Howdy, been finally sitting my ass down and figuring out custom ears bc i want to teach people how to make their own.
Tips and fluff dye with highlights, wow!
These are not perfect by any means, but they were going to be free either way bc there aren’t enough free ears out there. I tried a few different things to fix the issue with the fluff (youll see in the previews), but i’m at a loss right now. I’d rather just get these out and try something new to see if I don’t learn something that could help.

See the twitter link (under ‘files’) for previews

Edit/port/do whatever, just don’t lock anything made with this as a base behind a paywall or i’ll cast ‘curse of stepping on legos forever’ on you. i mean it >:I

As always if you want me to keep making stuff for yall, consider tossing me a few $$, because it helps me eat and in turn feeds you free stuff


Howdy, i'm elfy, i'm a nonbinary artist who is learning how to do fun tattoo textures and VFX edits. Steadily learning how to upscale for TBSE-X/Q to feed the fellow buff men enjoyers out there. im p much elfyelfears everywhere. dont stalk me <3

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