Victoria (B+ Clearance)

Model edit of Lef’s Victoria vanilla mashup dress to prevent clipping with bibo+ bottoms. ONLY the skirt has been changed, the chest was left unedited. Requires Bibo+ to be installed for skin textures (long story) but if enough people want the vanilla textures as well, I’ll add them back in.

Affects the Oracle Top for all tall female models. Tested with the following:

  • Bibo+ small
  • Bibo+ juicy
  • Lithe+ small vanilla

Lef’s original vanilla size is included in the pack and both sizes are also now dyeable!

The bonus colorset was originally a mishap that I thought couldn’t be fixed (spoiler: I did figure it out) but it actually looks pretty good with lighter dyes so I decided to throw it in.

Lala files also added as a bonus option to prevent breaking their model if using TT or no penumbra collections. However, you can just leave the option unchecked if you’re using character collections!


Skirt weights can get a little weird at the hem when sitting; I have not messed with weights at all so I can only assume it was a problem with the original. However, it’s easily fixable when posing and I do plan to fiddle around with the weights to see if it helps and update this at a later date.  FIXED!

Let me know if you find any other errors and I’ll do my best to fix them!


1.0.0 Initial release
1.1.0Deleted ver 1.0.1, fixed weights, fixed clipping in certain sitting poses, SHOULD be final release unless something else crops up. Recommended download.


berselium is my main twitter and ElizaFustel is my ffxiv one, feel free to contact me at either! I work exclusively with lithe+ small/vanilla and/or bibo+ small but feel free to upsize/downsize as long as you let me know and link back!

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