Ultimate Bed of Comfort


A beautiful soft bed for the most luxurious comfort on the star.

Comes in seven colours, and is fully functional with sit/doze and full collision detection.

{Replaces Glade Bed}


Original model by Nick Havas, porting and conversion for FFXIV by me! (CC-attribution license, it is ok!)

Special thanks to my dear friend for letting me use his house and take the pictures; we love an epic marble floor in the bedroom :D

Please see the video for a full 360 view of the bed, as well as shaderless and light-shader footage.


No reuploading / reselling / file sharing please; I worked very hard converting this.


My commissions are open for all sorts of modding, please come see! [Here]


Hello! My name is Thancred and I am passionate about mods. My favourite type of work to do is adjusting hairs and sculpting different bodytypes for men. I create sensitive and affirming LGBT+ content for anyone who requires it, and my commissions are always open for any manner of material possible! Please come see!

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