Tiro (Non-Op)


shoutouts to the lovely AQUARIAN for both watching pmmm with me over the course of two days (sorry) and for also making the preview for this.

forgot to upload this here when i made it originally (23/03/2023)

I got mentally ill over the past week. Mami Tomoe, you agree? It has breasts because I made this for myself and I play a gnc m au ra, sorry (not in the preview because sy is known for becoming a flashbang when exposed to light)

It’s more inspired than a direct recreation, if you’re looking for one of those then I highly reccomend Credens Justitiam by two^ (https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/47562) as well as checking out their page for her weapons and particles!

Completely fucks up the level 89 striking gear because this was a quick job and I have never once been known for being efficient nor practical.

If you want to upscale this to TBSE or port this to other bodies (excluding eve), please feel free to (with credit of course). I’d love to see any gposes or edits done with this, if posted on twitter you can use #nosmods so I can see it :D

F Model (vanilla) port here: https://www.glamourdresser.com/mods/tiro-for-f-talls
Tiro (Flat) by HardWorkingElezen here: https://www.glamourdresser.com/mods/tiro-flat


I'm fighting for my life in here.

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