TBSE Chest: Non-op Petite (V.2)


This is an edit of Mimi’s TBSE-Slim. I added small breasts and a slighly smaller waist for the small wols.

For midlander-based races.

Requires TBSE to work.

If you’re looking for a bigger or stronger-looking chest (or a sfw non-op chest) use Linku’s.

I started modding to make something like this so I feel very happy and proud to release this, I hope it gives others the looks they always wanted for their characters!



– V.2 now fixes some issues with the arms where they were not fully connected and adds a SFW version with a bralette.
– The bralette is dyable.
– Both the NSFW and SFW versions can now be installed as Small Clothes or Emperor’s New Robe.


————- ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Permissions ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ —————

♡ Do not upload or redistribute anywhere else.
♡ Private edits and ports are ok.
♡ Let me know about public releases and include credits.
♡ You can post your gposes on twitter with #romanticmods
———————– ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ————————–


Mexican nonbinary catbun. (they/he)

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