Stampede Sunglasses

Love and Peace!

Replaces all ARR glasses (Pince-nez and all shared models) with a pair of sunglasses based on the ones worn by Vash the Stampede in Trigun. There are two mesh styles (one with straight arms like in Stampede, one with zig-zagged arms like in Maximum and other media) and three colourset options (black, silver, or gold metal). This mod affects all races and genders and I’ve done my best to ensure best fit on vanilla faces, but YMMV with custom sculpts.

The colour of the lenses is orange by default, but it can be customised by editing the bottom row of Material C after importing. To help with this I’ve put a few sample colours in the top of the material as well as a copy of the original orange for safekeeping. Please note that to make the lenses look bright enough I had to put a small amount of emissive on them; take care to change this too when editing the colour!

UPDATE: The download link below now includes a bonus .pmp file which switches the lenses over to the actual glass shader.


Just a bird trying to make some pretty mods. I primarily focus on the vanilla aesthetic, making mashups and edits to existing content.

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