“Sleepy B*tch Disease” Makeup for Au’ra Face 101/104


UPDATE (3/24/2022: Now as a file for face 1044!)

My first “Mod”. :]

Simple makeup that replaces Au’ra Face 101 and 104.

Noticed that we don’t have enough baggy eye looks (I’m a fan of the tired eyes myself) so I made one.  The eyeshadow options in game can affect the top lid makeup as well, so feel free to experiment :0

Comes with the PNG file and the specular replacements. Painted on the upscaled vanilla face base from Rosemint.


My name is Kren and I like to draw but also texture paint :] Mostly makeup/retexture mods from me. Tag me if you use any of my content! I'd love to see it on my twitter :]

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