Premium Content: Short Princess Dress

Short Strapless Dress with seethrough short Jacket for all Tall Females.

Made for Bibo+ Bust Size M+XL, Bottom L and for Lithe+ Bust S. Needs Bibo+ installed to work.

Replaces Eastern Lady Errant’s Coat.

Skirt is movable in gpose with Skirt Bones.

Dress and Ribbon are dyable. Rest is dyable through Colorset rows.

Enjoy ♥

(Download on Ko-fi comes in a bundle with my other female Mods I made before february)

If you like what I do, join my Discord or follow me on Instagram ♥


Hey there! My name is Hatsu and I'm a newbie Mod Creator from Germany! Hope you like what I do as much as I love doing it ♥ Enjoy! P.S.: If you want to learn more about me and what I do, join our Discord Community through the link below ♥

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