Shepard to the Stars – Gshade / Reshade Preset Pack

UPDATE 19/10/23. I have updated the DL link to the Immerse version, please redownload if need be.


Thank you very much for trying my presets out! These presets have been designed after various areas in the Shadowbringers expansion.

I have made these in an old version of Gshade with the latest Gshade shaders, i’m unsure how they will look on Reshade. If you use reshade please let me know if you are having issues with them.

These are best used for screenshot purposes only. These have been tested outdoors and indoors at differing times and weather conditions. They can absolutely be used in studios and you’re free to toggle the optional shader effects on and off as you like! They have been tested on dark and unique skin colours (blue, grey, green etc). Please see preview photos in the MEGA folder as well as some tips on using them, note that i have used RTGI by PascalGilcher for these previews but no post processing.

Please note i have not used the usual 3 point in game lighting in the previews so as to show what the presets look like without any in game tweaking. You will need to adjust the in game lighting to suit your situation and character.

Presets included:

Sands of Amber – A warm toned preset, looks lovely at sunset and in desert environments like Amh Araeng
Fierce and Free – A dreamy and vibrant preset that suits colourful environments
The Faerie Ring – A bright pastel preset, also suits colourful environments also but especially Il Mheg
Civilisations – A cool, blue toned preset that suits deep and mysterious environments like the Raktika Greatwood
The Source – A basic preset that doesn’t deviate too much from vanilla colouring, slightly more muted and suits a variety of environments
Indulgence – A muted, sepia toned preset that is like Eulmore’s dimly lit, sophisticated halls.
Knowledge Never Sleeps – Like the The Source, it is based off the vanilla colouring, but brighter and suits a variety of envrionments
Neath Dark Waters – A cold and slightly gloomy preset with teal hues, similar to Amaurot’s colouring

I have added some keybinds to my presets, please see the ‘read me’ to see what they affect.

I always appreciate feedback! and I am happy to help out with any problems or questions.

I am lax about this stuff. You can share these with friends, edit them for your personal use etc just don’t upload as your own and don’t sell them for monetary gain. If someone asks for them, you are free to share them or refer them to a direct link.
Do not use to create harmful, bigoted, hateful content. That’s all I ask!


I do a bit of dabbling. She / Her. I love seeing everyone's beautiful screenshots with my presets! If you're inclined to use a hashtag, #Elvashade or #Elvashaders works just fine!

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