Rose ❀ Face 3

-❀Name: Rose
-❀Affects: Face diffuse
-❀Genders: Female
-❀Race: aura
-❀Contributors: Sapphire for the scaleless aura and Upierczi for the 2k facelift
-❀Comments: A soft makeup for face 3, includes a transparent png if you wish to transfer onto your own scales or onto xaela, please keep in mind reshade will effect colours

-❀Feel free to join the Wisteria discord to see wips and other releases: Discord

-❀If you like my work please consider supporting me on kofi


Hi i'm Mika and I mainly make accessory mods. If you want to see wips and such I have a corner in the Wisteria mods discord: I also have a kofi if you like my work and wish to support me ♥

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