Premium Content: [PT] The Twelve

• The Twelve • [Bibo+ only]

• Skin mod for female Midlander, Elezen, Viera, Miqo’te and Au Ra including :

– 12 different tattoo options for the body (white glow only)
– Each tattoo option includes one different sign for each God (visible on the previews)

/!\ Note for Au Ra : All tatoo options are available for scaleless only.
You can use transparent overlay for your own edits or ask me to do if you have custom scales.

/!\ Zip folder contains : .pmp (penumbra) + transparent tattoo overlay for all options + transparent overlay for each god signs if you want to use it in a different way.

/!\ If you want a full black version of this tattoo you can contact me.

/!\ This required Atramentum Luminis installed.


Feel free to do what you want with your product !
However, if you use it as a base for one of your creation, I would greatly appreciate you credit me ♥


You can buy all my creations individually on ko-fi. You can join my Ko-fi Membership for benefits. Free stuff on XMA !

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