Plastic World – Gshade / Reshade Preset Pack

Thank you very much for trying my presets out! This preset pack contains a set of 7 presets with Immerse compatibility, inspired by the heavy saturated and vibrant photo filters of the 2000s with some pastels here and there.

These have toggles for Immerse by marty mcfly as well as toggles for those who are not using immerse. A PDF guide is included on where to download it and how to install it.

These have been made in Gshade. If you are having any problems with them in Reshade, please let me know and I will do my best to pinpoint the issue.

These work outdoors, indoors and in the studio at varying times of the day. Being very colourful I personally think they stand out the best in colourful locations with varieties of colours! Please turn off the ingame DOF and adjust the manual brightness as needed!

These come with unique textures too, please ensure they are installed in the: C:\Program Files (x86)\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XIV – A Realm Reborn\game\gshade-shaders\Textures folder to use.

If using the latest GSHADE, the path is different to prevent loss with the update; gshade custom shaders > shaders. Same with custom textures; gsahde custom shaders > textures. this has been added to the guide for new gshade users.

There are also some tips in the folder on using StageDepth shaders, the toggles and installing immerse.

All textures have either been drawn by myself or are free for public use from the Adobe Stock website.

Presets included:
Fantasea – A heavily saturated and vibrant preset
Butterfly – A warm preset with golden undertones
Carnival – A soft candy hued preset
Lovefool – A slightly warmer, vibrant preset
Milkshake – A pink hued pastel preset
Iris – A preset with purple undertones

I always appreciate feedback! and I am happy to help out with any problems or questions. If you like using hashtags for your photos; #Elvashade or #Elvashaders will suffice, I love seeing them!!


I am lax about this stuff. You can share these with friends, edit them for your personal use etc just don’t upload as your own and don’t sell them for monetary gain. If someone asks for them, you are free to share them or refer them to a direct link.
Do not use to create harmful, bigoted, hateful content. That’s all I ask!


I do a bit of dabbling. She / Her. I love seeing everyone's beautiful screenshots with my presets! If you're inclined to use a hashtag, #Elvashade or #Elvashaders works just fine!

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