Premium Content: [PGR] Bambinata x Azukisan “Catwalk” – 猫步轻俏

Only For Lalafell, Designed for Vanilla Bodies, Undyeable

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From 《Punishing: Gray Raven》
Bambinata’s Azukisan cross-promos dress up

· Azukisan removable on the top
· Bambinata’s bunch is available as a separate accessory from the hat.
· Azukisan as a minion for Gpose, comes with a custom full body skeleton+9 optional emoticons, need to replace the textures manually
· Hat is specifically designed for lalafell female 8 hairstyles, other hairstyles may have some mismatches

Replace Collegiate set/Fat Cat Earrings/Quaintrelle’s Hat/Plush Cushion

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