Patisserie (B+ Clearance)

Model edit of Kyary’s Patisserie vanilla mashup dress to prevent clipping with bibo+ bottoms. Affects the Winter Sweater for all tall female models. Tested with the following:

Bibo+ small
Bibo+ juicy
Lithe+ small vanilla

Kyary’s original vanilla size and colorsets are included in the pack as-is and both sizes have 10 new colorsets to choose from!

Kyary’s Original Mashup


Lala files not included with this one but I tested it in-game and it didn’t break so it should work? But if it starts breaking stuff for you, please send a message and I’ll add them in. Please let me know if any other errors pop up and I’ll do my best to fix them!


berselium is my main twitter and ElizaFustel is my ffxiv one, feel free to contact me at either! I work exclusively with lithe+ small/vanilla and/or bibo+ small but feel free to upsize/downsize as long as you let me know and link back!

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