Premium Content: pais de cocaigne 『 Island Prop Collection 』

pais de cocaigne

pais de cocaigne (n.)
lit. land of plenty; an imaginary place of luxury and ease;
a minion-prop collection featuring beachy items to
accompany the fading days of summer and the
beaches of your island sanctuary


Included in this set are

  • Cieldeles Conch (Eggplant Knight)
  • Tropical Mango (Tomato King)
  • Beach Chair (Onion Prince)
  • Sandcastle (Garlic Jester)
  • Summer’s Flame Hat (Mandragora Queen)
  • [Dyable!] Isle Explorer’s Scarf (Redbill Scarf)

Take note!

The sandcastle has been specially textured in order to properly match the sand colours of the island sanctuary specifically; as such, other areas may require additional edits to the diffuse and specular textures. As a result, I’ve included these in the pack.

Please notify me if there are any issues with the items included in this pack!

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