Azem, v2 – mashup for tbse and bibo+

A major update to my first mashup, Azem, made for Rachine’s Azem, Apollo.

  • replaces the dalmascan draped top
  • dyeable in game. default is the pure white version.
  • sized for bibo+, tbse, and tbse echo (non-op)

Bibo+ and Non-op versions use medium chest and large legs. Bibo+ version has yab+ clearance. It’s been sized specifically to my Scion’s Quartertights mashup. TBSE version includes highlanders ♥

The original vanilla file has been included, if you would like the vanilla version. Please know that it is only for m Midlanders. 


Creator of TGD. I make self-indulgent mods with I'm not coding for TGD.

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