MONSTER Preset Pack | iMMERSE Pro + METEOR Required | ReShade 5.9.1+

MONSTER is a set of ten ReShade presets designed after monsters, but suitable for use by all. They all seek to emphasize the intense level of detail that can be found on monstrous original characters while keeping a smooth, flattering quality. Unlike previous packs, these work in most lighting scenarios!


  • ReShade 5.9.1+! While I do not guarantee any sort of compatibility with GShade, I have provided extensive troubleshooting tools in the “INFO” part of the .zip, and some have successfully used my previous preset packs in GShade with this info.
  • METEOR suite from MartysMods, free on GitHub.
  • Every preset in this pack requires the iMMERSE Pro suite by MartysMods($5 on their Patreon), every preset requires the free iMMERSE Main Suite available on GitHub, and some require the regular RTGI suite(same tier). I have provided all other free shaders(.fx and .fxh files) and textures(.png files) in the download. I did not make non-iMMERSE versions because I feel it fully changes the overall visual effect in some cases, and there are plenty of beautiful shaders utilizing free shader suites/MXAO already out there!


  • Each preset has ReVeil Top + ReVeil Bottom as options in the list, turned off. Turn them on if you need for adjusting in the gpose interface, but ALWAYS turn them OFF before taking your picture.
  • Do not use the “Move Active to Top” function in ReShade. If the shaders get out of order in the list, it will change the visual effect of the preset.
  • Always try adjusting the “Manual Brightness” and “Character Lighting” settings in small doses before going in with additional studio lights or ReLight globes.
  • Make sure to deactivate “Depth of Field” in the in-game GPose interface.
  • If your hair artifacts with MXAO/RTGI or disappears with depth of field, try changing “material constant w”(Alpha Threshold) in the materials


  • The current build of iMMERSE Pro is not FFXIV compatible without smooth normals. If you’re acquiring the suite for the first time, please download an older build(not the one released on 12/2023)
  • If you are a subscriber to Pascal Gilcher/MartysMods and have the METEOR suite beta version from the Ultimate tier, there’s a current bug where the intensity sliders are not reading correctly. I recommend reverting to those fully released on GitHub to fix this issue.
  • With the nice level of light reflect I’ve put in RTGI, if you have any visible backfaces they will reflect lime green. Try to pose to minimize backfaces showing, or desaturate it in post.


  • Re-distribute or modify the presets as you see fit, but do not claim them as your own or try to profit off of them. Do not re-distribute paid iMMERSE Pro shaders.
  • Do not use my presets for any depictions of SA, bestiality, pedophilia, racism, homophobia, lala lewding, or any other prejudiced or non-consensual content.

Thank you to Vex(@vexxxaere/@evervesper), Hani(@aetherpacting), Dream(@DreamlessOG), Hal(@halciian), Adon(@thecrocofkugane), Hikari(@HikariPosing), and Viv(@Lady_Stillwind) for testing and/or taking preview pictures.

Use the #Zlainstudio tag if you want me to see + <3 your GPoses!

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