Premium Content: Modern Riviera Chair

Seat yourself in style with the latest in Imperial decor! Replacing the Riviera Armchair, this mod provides a comfy and cool place to relax. The backrest of the chair is solid black, while the legs are of polished stainless steel. Includes a white version for that ivory aesthetic we all adore! Fully /sittable, and with an easily edited diffuse texture so you can colour the cushions any way you like!

Original model by ChristyHSU ^_^

[ATTN: It is on the riviera armchair, not riviera chair xD]


No reuploading / reselling / file sharing please.

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Hello! My name is Thancred and I am passionate about mods. My favourite type of work to do is adjusting hairs and sculpting different bodytypes for men. I create sensitive and affirming LGBT+ content for anyone who requires it, and my commissions are always open for any manner of material possible! Please come see!

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