Premium Content: Magic Hair – M Viera Hair 5 Hair Mashup

Check it out! This hair combines five textures, and is a mashup of the following hairs ported to Male Viera Hair 5:

  1. F Mid 159
  2. M Midlander 135
  3. M Viera Hair 16
  4. M Mid 129

And two different hairties on a texture you can dye in the colorset editor!!

  •  Highlights and physics
  •  No hats, but some face coverings work!
  •  Alt version available which replaces the back with F Midlander 156 and retains the M Mid 135 braid
  •  Epic Seam where the braid meets the back of the hair, see the video!


I take commissions for any type of mod, please check out my portfolio!


Hello! My name is Thancred and I am passionate about mods. My favourite type of work to do is adjusting hairs and sculpting different bodytypes for men. I create sensitive and affirming LGBT+ content for anyone who requires it, and my commissions are always open for any manner of material possible! Please come see!

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