Lucid Spring

A pink top and a pair of jean shorts for Echo Petite/Flat chests + Large legs, TBSE Slim and my original TBSE Non-op Petite.

Made with Marvelous Designer and Blender. For Midlander-based races.

My first outfit made from scratch… so expect weirdness!

The outfit is not dyable. Sometimes depending on the light there might be some white specs in some of the stitches, also the shorts might clip with the tummy and back at times because they are high waisted.


If you find any additional issues feel free to DM at @quiteromantic on twitter.


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♡ Do not upload or redistribute anywhere else.
♡ Private edits and ports are ok.
♡ Ask for permission for public releases and include credits.
♡ If you tweet pictures you can tag #RomanticMods
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Mexican nonbinary catbun. (they/he)

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