Ling’s Oat Milk for TBSE Base (FTM Legs)

I’m super excited to show you all this–my porting debut. It’s a model-only port of Ling’s/schizocheese’s Oat Milk for TBSE Base with FTM legs. This means it’s flat only, no bulge–and you WILL need the original mod. It’s linked below.

There is a bit of jank near the legs and a bit of lumpiness but if you stick to darker colors this is not a problem. Only the leg warmers option is available for now. My apologies. Once I get better at this, I will come back to make a more proper modpack so don’t worry.

Original mod:

Hashtags are never required but if you want me to see, use #vermodding on Twitter/X!


amateur posemaker and even amateur-er mod porter! permissions: just don't release my poses as your own, though overlap in references may occur. all of the permissions for mods are the same as the original authors, who will always be linked. if i port a port, i'll credit the porter, as well. use #verposing for gpose and #vermodding for mods on Twitter/X!

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