Liability’s Hex Girls for TBSE Killer Bod

Killer Bod upscale time! Upscales Liability’s Hex Girls top and harness to TBSE Killer Bod.

Top itself is separate from the harness, to allow for mixing and matching.

Requires the textures from the original, found here:
Please install these first! Otherwise, the top won’t work.

To install, first grab either the 2k or 4k textures from the original mod. Then, if you wish to have the skirt/thighboots/gloves, install the TBSE file and set the dropdown to the bottoms size you want. Then, install this and put it above both the textures and the TBSE file. This will overwrite just the model for the top and harness, and thus must be put at the very top!

All of Liability’s permissions apply ahead of my own, as always don’t use this (or any of my stuff) for transphobic/racist/homophobic/etc content and don’t use it for NSFW of minors or lalas.

Killer Bod is a non-op mod for TBSE that is (as of 3.0!) compatible with default TBSE textures. It can be found here (NSFW):


they/them I (usually) make upscales for niche bodies.

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