Just a Lil Guy – Customize+ Preset


This is my own personal preset for Customize+. Looks best on top of a vanilla or TBSE base. I wouldn’t suggest using it on body sculpts like Slim and Echo, or others that target a slimmer torso/waist and thicker thighs, but it’s your life and you can do whatever you want! Be free!

Created for Male Viera and male bodies in general, but will technically work for any gender/race (maybe just not very well).

✅ Slimmer neck, torso, waist, arms, and calves
✅ Thicker thighs and hips
✅ Smol hands and feet

Fingers MAY LOOK A LITTLE NOODLEY on some races/poses.
Some poses/animations might also upset the fingers.

How to Install:
If you don’t have it already, get Customize+: https://github.com/XIV-Tools/CustomizePlus

Select and copy EVERYTHING in the .txt file, then open Customize+ and hit “Add from Clipboard”. Replace “Character Name” with your own.

I am not able to export this as a .pose file because it contains position edits, and the .pose file import is currently for scaling only.


Hewwo! I make 3D and texture mods for cute boys. Currently porting various items from other games, or doing vanilla mashups. Learning to make my own custom meshes and designs along the way. ★ 、ヽ`、ヽ`个c(゚∀゚∩)`ヽ、`ヽ、

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