Jupiteresque: A Rue+ Edit


Jupiteresque [1.0] is a shape edit of Rue+ 2.0’s torso meant to mimic the shape of Jupiter [MILF] by Saoirse.

This does not include the buff arms. This torso shape is compatible only with gear shaped to it and any Rue+ 2.0 legs. It is compatible with scaling, though the breasts look best with edits in gpose, not gameplay.

Important: There is currently a ‘crinkle’ effect on the side underboob of the mesh. This will be addressed in possible future versions. [Example picture available on Trello.]

Edit 3/15/2023: Bone weights have been adjusted to reduce a stretch effect on the underboob.

Please be welcome to make your own edits to this mod and make rescales as you will. All I ask is that you credit me [Carbuncleinawig] and the other contributors for their work.

Affects: Smallclothes Body and/or Emperor’s New Robe

Requirements: Bibo+ for texturesRue+ 2.0 for compatible legs

Permissions: Aleks’ permissions supersede mine, and are as follows:

  • Private edits/commissions: Y.
  • Public edits: Y with credit.
  • Temporary paywalls: Y, but no longer than 3 months, and include no vanilla meshes.
  • Vaulting: N.
  • NSFW Lala: N.

I personally request any mods using this edit are not paywalled, but Aleks’ permissions [which allow temporary paywalls] take priority.


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