Premium Content: It’s a Sin

An alluring, multi-piece dress set for late nights of debauchery. 

Semi-custom mesh and textures; heels contain a royalty free asset. Created with Blender, Substance Painter, and Photoshop.

Thumbnail shows outfit on TBSE Echo; flat chest w/ large legs with Customize+ on.

Outfit is available for—

  • TBSE Echo
  • TBSE Type W
  • TBSE-Q/X legs

Tested with Customize+. May clip with select posing/movement.


  • You are allowed to share this mod with up to TWO people only. Any more than that is strictly forbidden.
  • Private edits are okay; keep them private until public release.
  • Paid commissions involving this mod are okay.
  • Do NOT use my mod for any illegal or hateful content.
  • Do NOT re-upload, redistribute, or resell my mod and claim it as your own.
  • If you are found to break or abuse TOS, understand I have the right to ban and flag you.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or bugs to report, feel free to contact me.

PUBLIC: 05/25/2024


He/him. Early access mods: Tip Jar:

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