Hot Toddy by Prayer – TBSE (FabSE) Port

+ Original mod by Prayer:
+ Tsar for TBSE | Red/Spiswel for Fab Trans Men | Illy, Tsar, Bizu for Bibo+

Hot Toddy TBSE FabSE Port: Just the top!
+ Ported to Starlight Robe
+ This is imported as a TOP. It will NOT automatically hide any bottoms that are equipped, so you will need to remove any bottom gear with glamourer. I tried to upload it with leotard metadata multiple times, but TT kept destroying the weights on the shins for some reason with the model import and I was tired of fighting it.
+ Dyeable. Works well with C+ EXCEPT if you have your booty cheeks bigger with IVCS. Expect possible clipping/stretching in extreme poses, etc etc etc.



Preview pic uses C+, happy to share the settings if anyone wants it but it’s basically just squishy thighs and butt.

If you find any major issues, feel free to let me know and I can try my best to edit and update as time permits!

Right Hair – Priv Edit of 26 by Linxx Mods + Nocturne by Arabella @ Aesthetic Mods
Kitty Ears/Tail – Private port of Wheel by Major Praline
Tattoos – Priv Edit of Cyclochila by longerrpigsmods + Silk by 8serialnumber

Headpiece – Jingle by Major Praline
Boots – Arkesia’s Glory by Felis

Basil ❀✿

RPer, Gposer, & Mediocre Modder. Trans masc cabbit, very shy, and trying my best.

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