Hien TBSE Upscale v2


This mod aims to give Hien his vanilla/gear proportions when the gear is off!
Changes Hien's character top (e9131) to the Emperor's New Robe; modified to fit his vanilla neck. The vanilla neck seam is still there.
V2 - Changes Hien's character bottoms (e9131) to TBSE scaled butt and bulge with option for armor or no armor. 
This builds off of the materials/textures used in TBSE by Tsar. You MUST have TBSE installed and turned on for it to work or the skin won't show; it will follow whatever TBSE setting you have for midlander.

I have no idea if this will break other mods but assume that anything that conflicts with TBSE will probably conflict with this as well. 
Version 2 includes options to change his pants as well as the original changes to the top. 
Since this changes his character equipment it will carry over into cutscenes so just be aware of that.

SE for original models and textures
Tsar for the TBSE

Just please don't sell, redistribute or claim any parts of this mod as your own, thanks!

Twitter: @zhimbrolizard
bluesky: @zhimbrolizard.bsky.social


Just a beginner, getting back into creating

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