Hemomancy – Blood Magic WHM


“Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you just want to go apeshit?”

The white mages of Gridania have long since wielded the might of the Elementals to heal the sick and wounded. Those who cannot channel the Elementals— or refuse to do so, engage in a tabboo… they use their own aether, their own blood, their own vitality, to nourish their comrades.

But there lies an even deeper tabboo than just simply ignoring the call of nature, the blood magic of the Warlocks. They rend the vitality from their foes, and engorge on it to nourish others. The life energy of all who oppose them become their very tool of war. It is a tactic closer to voidsent than druid. This deepest sacrilege, they label “Hemomancy”

This is a total overhaul mod, which changes the Job Gauge, Job Action icons, skill vfx, Limit Break III, and additionally includes a custom armor remix to match the new theme. All elements of the mod are individually packaged to allow picking and choosing.

Demonstration: https://youtu.be/6WC4ozfHBJw

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If you have any issues, questions, comments, concerns, or advice, please email me at [email protected] or DM me on twitter at @DekkenArt or Discord at Dekken#2158. I may be slow to respond.

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